오늘 개발자용으로 iOS4.1 버젼이 풀렸습니다.
여기에 가시면 바뀐점 볼수 있고요 여기에서
UPDATE #3: As RazorianFly reports, Apple might have added a digital watermark for jailbroken devices, too:
“Also, iOS 4.1 has new encryption technology, that will constantly check if iPhone or iPod touch, have been jailbroken. This is done by digital watermark that appears when iOS is jailbroken, and this watermark cannot be removed, even if reverted to unjailbroken status. Apple store employees will check for the watermark during iPhone service.”
을 볼수 있습니다. 탈옥을하게 되면 디지털 워터마크가 남는다는 내용입니다. 복구를해도 남는다고 적혀있고 이걸로 애플매장에서 검사해서 리퍼할지 안할지 한다고 하네요.
그런데 MuscleNerd는 트위터로
The "watermark" rumors are untrue. (So were the "AT&T OTA JB detector" rumors a few weeks ago, for those keeping tabs.
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